A parent told me recently that her child enjoyed learning how to write her numbers from the little tricks I was teaching in my Early Education Enrichment classes. She asked me to send them to her so she could use them at home. I thought I would share them with others.
1 is easy, 1 is fun, just a line and then you’re done!
Around and back on a railroad track.
Around the tree, around the tree, that is how you make a three.
Make an L, back to the top, go down some more, you made a four!
Short neck, belly fat, Mr. Five has a hat.
Down the slide and around the loop.
Across the sky and down from heaven, that is how you make a seven.
Make an S but do not wait, go back up and close the gate.
A circle and a line make a nine.
More information on preschool and kindergarten enrichment classes can be found at www.earlyeducationenrichment.com