I love coming up with creative ways to get kids excited about writing. Some kids express themselves best when they can create a book to share with the world while others find it easier to write freely in a private journal for their eyes only. Whatever your child’s level of comfort, these ideas are sure to spark an interest in writing.
1. Letter Writing – Make a mailbox for you and your child out of an old shoe box. Then write letters back and forth. Ask your child lots of questions so he/she has a lot of writing ideas and occasionally leave little incentives attached to your notes like a pencil, eraser, or small toy. This can help keep the letters flowing.
2. Journal Writing – Writing prompts are a great way to get your child’s creative juices flowing. Here are a few to get you started.
If I were a teacher I would …
I don’t like to eat …
I get angry when…
On Saturdays I like to…
I love to eat…
Something I do well is…
I feel silly when…
I love to give…
I would hate to lose …
I wish I could …
One of the best things about me is …
3. Sticker Journals – This journal idea is great for the busy family. Buy a sticker book with lots of stickers that interest your child. Every day your child can pick a new sticker and stick it on the top of a writing page. Then write 1-3 sentences about the sticker. Make sure to include lots of detail about the sticker. You can even draw a scene around the sticker.
4. Story Writing Wheel – A story wheel is a great way to help your child decide on a character, setting and problem for a story. Once he/she decides on these story elements, the ideas start flowing. You can make an easy story wheel by dividing a paper plate into six equal sections and letting your child draw a picture of different characters in each section. Then poke a hole in the middle of the plate and put a metal paper fastener through the hole. Finally, attach a paperclip to create a spinner. Create additional wheels for the setting and problem. Your child is sure to enjoy coming up with a silly story the whole family will love. (Metal paper fasteners can be found at your local office supply store.)
5. Writing Instructions – Turn baking into a writing assignment and teach your child how to write clear, well worded instructions. Don’t forget to use transition words like first, next, and last.
6. Accordion Book – Little kids love little books! Spark an interest in writing with this easy to create book idea. All you need is a piece of paper, tape, and a pencil. Cut the paper in half the long way. Then tape the two short ends together to make one long strip. Finally, fold it like an accordion and you have a book that is perfect for little hands.
7. Alphabet Book – This book is also a great keepsake. Take a picture of your child doing or holding something that represents each letter of the alphabet. For the A page he/she might dress like an astronaut or be holding an ant farm. Young children can write I am… on each page and complete the sentence using the pictures for a clue. Older children can write several sentences about the picture. This would be a great way to show all the fun activities your child did over the summer.
8. Email/Snail Mail – Kids love getting mail. Ask a friend or relative if they would like to be a penpal. Your child can be the first to write a note. Waiting for a response can be very exciting. Include little incentives with the letters like stickers and tattoos. If you are emailing you can attach a link to one of the fun and educational website.
9. Research Paper – Does your child have an interest in creepy animals, presidents or football players? Think of something your child is interested in and research 3 facts about the topic. Then write a paragraph about the topic of interest. The paragraph should include an opening sentence, three sentences in the body (one for each of the interesting facts), and a closing sentence that either restates the opening sentence or tells how the writer feels about the topic.
10. Play – Kids are natural little performers. Have them write a short play that they can perform for the family after dinner. They could use the story writing wheel mentioned above to come up with ideas.
Check out our site: www.earlyeducationenrichment.com for other educational ideas.